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UNPHU reports on the delivery of its textbooks to MINERD within the agreed time frame

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) disclose to the public that it has successfully completed, and within the agreed time, the 15 textbooks on Mathematics and Nature Sciences that were assigned, which were prepared and delivered to the Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Education.

UNPHU, through a scientific collaboration agreement and counting on its team of teachers in the area of Science, assumed responsibility for preparing the contents of these books, in accordance with the guidelines established by the Department of Curriculum of MINERD. Fifteen books of the High School Level, six of Mathematics, six of the area of Nature Sciences for the regular program, and three optional concentrations; they were delivered in the time established in the agreement. They are at the moment in the Ministry’s Editorial Unit, in the final planning and review phase by the Curriculum Department and will be published in the following Open Book series.

This institution of higher education is highly pleased to contribute to the initiative of the Dominican State called Open Book, by access to education is an inalienable right that the State must preserve and to which all, by ethical principles, must contribute, putting our knowledge at the service of the integral education of our country.


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