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UNPHU gives talk “New skills in project management

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through the Vice Rectory of Post Graduate and its respective School, gave the talk, “New skills in project management”, by Ms. Marisol Marion-Landais, Coaching Instructor for CAPM® Certification, Sagesse Academy.

Braulio Jimenez, coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Project Management, presented the features of the program, which has been reformulated and includes the certifications of the PMI, Coaching for the CAPM® Certification and PMP® Exam Mentoring Program. These tools provide the knowledge needed to ensure effective and efficient project management, according to current standards.

At the talk attended Josefina Pepín, Vice-Chancellor of Research, Linkage and Internationalization Projects, Nelbry Zapata, Director of the School of Industrial Engineering, and Yolimar Mejías, Academic Director of the UNPHU Post Graduate School, who was in charge of the closing words.

About the master’s in project management

This program aims to promote a scientific, methodological, and interdisciplinary approach directed towards the management of both research and improvement projects.

 The graduate may apply the knowledge, skills and tools acquired during the learning process.


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