Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) through the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and the School of Accounting and Audit held the Master Class Liccenciado Federico Pellerano Rocour, under the responsibility of Mercedes Ivelisse Mieses, Accountant and Auditor and Authorized Public Accountant in Santo Domingo.
Mrs. Mieses approached the Incidence of Risks in the Organizations, exclusively about the corporate government; the integral management of risks; entrepreneurial risks; safety of information, and the internal control in the institutions, among others.
During the event the welcome words were given by Doctor Leonardo Conde, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. The reading of the biographical information of the speaker guest were given by Daisy Pérez, director of the School of Accounting and Audit of UNPHU.
Lic. María Pellerano Morilla; daughter of Pellerano Rocour told some experiences shared with her father.
The vent was addressed to the university authorities, professors, and students of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. The event was held on Tuesday April 15 and was transmitted live by the YouTube channel of UNPHU.
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