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UNPHU representatives visit Dr. Vinicius Calventi Hospital

Representatives of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña visited the facilities of the Dr. Vinicius Calventi Hospital, with the aim of publicizing the upcoming International Evaluation of the UNPHU School of Medicine, by the Caribbean Accreditation Authority for Education in Medicine and Other Health Professions (CAAM-HP).

The group consisted of doctors William Duke, dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences; Eduardo Garcia, associate dean and Cindy Rodríguez, clinical coordinator. They were received by the medical director of the Hospital, Dr. José Alfredo Alfaro. 

Dr. Cindy Rodríguez explained how there are rotations of pre-boarding, and boarding performed by students of the School of Medicine in that care center; center that has professors in its different rotations.

Meanwhile, Dr. Alfaro reported that the hospital will be prepared to meet the indicators required in that visit of the evaluators, where students will be guiding the analysts and show their skills developed during their training in the hospital.


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