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UNPHU and VIU perform a Master class: Alcohol consumption on adolescents on the Caribbean: An invisible problem 

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) and Universidad Internacional Valenciana (VIU) held the Master Class Alcohol consumption on adolescents on the Caribbean: An invisible problem, given by Doctor Beatriz Abad Villaverde, who fulfilled the goal to put into context the problem of the data available in Dominican Republic about alcohol consumption and other substances in teenagers, and how the subject has evolved since the last known data.  

During the activity they submitted the results of how much is the consumption from a social, familiar and academic perspective, and the perception of the youth. 

In addition, they discussed the relation between some personal and contextual variables regarding the risk consumption. 

Dr. Beatriz Abad Villaverde is a faculty researcher in charge of External Projects and coordinator or research of the Faculty of Humanifies and education at UNPHU. She is also Doctor in Psychology by Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC), and member of the National Researchers Career of the Department of Superior Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT), of Dominican Republic. 

During the last years she has collaborated in different inter disciplinary projects, is a co-researcher in several multi center studies and main researcher in field works in the consumption of substances, especially in Dominican teenager population; subject in which she has obtained the most recent outcomes. 

UNPHU and VIU signed the past June 14 2020, an agreement of Institutional Collaboration with the goal of the performance of teaching, educative and research activities among both parties. 


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