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UNPHU Students Earn First Place in the 2023 National Inter-University Chess Tournament

Students of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña participated in the National Inter-University Chess Tournament 2023; organized by the National University Sports Commission of the Ministry of Sports and Recreation (MIDEREC) in coordination with the Dominican Chess Federation (FDA).

The women’s team, made up of the students: Franchesca Ramirez, Génesis Felix and Llyamel Bernabel, achieved first place after beating the INTEC Technological University team in the last round, 2 to 1 and in the second round to tie UCNE University, at 1 -1/2. In the third round, they defeated the UTECO team 2 to 1. The university’s men’s team ranked third.

The event was attended by 18 universities in the country and was held from June 3 to 4 at the Universidad Abierta para Adultos (UAPA) of Santo Domingo Este, with the support of the Higher Ministry of Education (MESCyT). 


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