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UNPHU dictates webinar “Nielsen Media: Embrace The Future”

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña National, its Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, and the School of Marketing, conducted the webinar “Nielsen Media: Embrace The Future”, with the participation of the graduates, Hillary Hermon, Jennifer Ramos, Nathalie Romero, Isis Rojas Sosa and the Licdo. Wilby Ramirez.

Among the topics discussed were: Current news of the media ecosystem in the Dominican Republic, relevant findings in the behavior of the media, audiences and how to face the challenges implied by the increasing fragmentation of the media.

The purpose of this talk was to provide accurate analysis and a novel and integrated measurement system, representative for the current media ecosystem of the Dominican Republic, that prepares professionals of Communication, Marketing, Planning, Brands, Agencies and Advertisers with current and real information of the future of media.

The welcoming words of the activity were dictated by Dr. Vera Troncoso.

The event was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel. You can see it at the link:


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