Categorías: Noticias

UNPHU holds a technical discussion panel “Importance and objectives of the development of undergraduate and graduate thesis work”

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through its Vice Rectory of Post grade and Continuing Education in coordination with Academic Vice Rectory, held the technical discussion table “Importance and objectives of the development of thesis and postgraduate degree”. At charge of architect Raúl De Moya Español, president of the Pedro Henríquez Ureña University Foundation (FUDPHU) and the Pedro Henríquez Ureña Education System.

During the workshop, architect De Moya, an expert in Research Methodology, shared tools and knowledge that will help to enhance the development of their academic, professional, and personal activities.

The event was attended by Dr. Leonor Farray Bergés, Vice Chancellor of Postgraduate and Continuing Education; Patricia Matos, academic vice-rector; Josefina Pepín, Vice-Chancellor of Research, Linkage and Internationalization Projects; Yolimar Mejías, academic director of the Graduate School and Dr. Mabel Gómez Navarro, coordinator of Thesis Projects at the Graduate School.

The event was attended by a wide audience made up of teachers and thesis advisers both in the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and related stakeholders. And it was held in Max Henríquez Ureña hall, building 4. It was broadcast on the UNPHU YouTube channel, you can see it at the following link: 


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