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Lecture at UNPHU on the origins of the Haitian Dominican conflict

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), through its Faculty of Humanities and Education and the Department of Letters and Philosophy, gave the conference Origins of the Haitian Dominican Conflict, with the participation of Juana Guerrero, a teacher of the Department. 

During the activity, the lecturer revealed the beginnings of the conflict between both nations, its historical roots, as a series of political, economic, and cultural events that date back to the colonial period and that gave rise to the current problems. The relationship between the Dominican Republic and Haiti has been marked by moments of tension and violence, as well as periods of cooperation and bilateral agreements. Factors such as the migration of Haitian workers to the Dominican Republic in search of better economic conditions, discrimination and labor exploitation, and cultural and linguistic differences have contributed to maintaining a climate of mistrust and conflict between the two countries.

This event was aimed at the entire student community and aimed to develop the feelings of patriotism and Dominican identity, through the knowledge of the origin of the Republic of Haiti and its subsequent relationship with the Dominican Republic. It was held on Monday, October 2, 2023, in the Conference Room in Building 3.


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