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UNPHU participates in the XVII International Congress of Scientific Research.

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña, through its Vice-Rector Research Projects, Linkage and Internationalization, participated in the inaugural event of the XVII International Congress of Scientific Research, giving the keynote conference entitled “Alzheimer’s Disease, Covid-19 and Dementia” by Dr. José Luna Muñoz, researcher and scientific adviser of the National Bank of Brains UNPHU. 

During the exhibition the following topics were addressed: the advances in the study of neurodegenerative diseases, the importance of brain donation, as well as the contributions of the BNC-UNPHU to the scientific study of Alzheimer’s.  

Dr. Luna’s sketch was read by Dr. Carlos Rodríguez, director of Science and Technology Research at MESCyT. 

The event was organized by the MESCyT, and took place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on June 8, 2022. Welcoming remarks were given by Dr. Franklin García Fermín, minister of the organizing entity. 

The Congress will be held in the framework of the Dominican Week of Science and Technology, which will last until June 12 and will feature interesting conferences given by national and international experts.


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