Categorías: Noticias

The university recognizes the Architect Claudia Herasme Alfonso

Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña and its Department of Management of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management, recognized Architect Claudia Herasme Alfonso, in the second edition 2022- 2023. This recognition is the highest award that a graduate can obtain, after excelling in the different areas of public and private life, and which enjoys professional prestige.

The work trajectory of Arq. Herasme Alfonso stands out for basing its practice on research with a view to innovation, as well as the regulation of urban landscape, active design and welfare guidelines, large-scale waterfront projects and flood resistance strategies, urban ecology, technology, and community participation. Their research is of a technical nature, associated with implemented plans.

The award was presented by the rector of the university, Architect Miguel Fiallo Calderón, accompanied by the Director of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management, Laura Veloz. The recognition event took place on February 9, 2023, in the rectory of the university.

About Architect Claudia Herasme Alfonso

Graduated in Architecture at UNPHU with a master’s degree in Architecture and Urban Design from Columbia University in the United States.  He has held senior positions in the New York City Planning department and currently serves as deputy commissioner manager of the Chicago City Office of Urban Planning and Design. 

She was director of the New York chapter, of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), until 2020.           


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