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ADOFEM and MESCyT socialized new “Rules for the Approval, Regulation and Accreditation of Medical Schools in the Dominican Republic”

The deans and directors of the medical schools of the different universities of the country, belonging to the Dominican Association of Faculties and Schools of Medicine (ADOFEM), were summoned by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT), to a meeting led by Dr. Juan Francisco Viloria Santos, vice minister of the Vice Ministry of Evaluation and Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (IES). The objective of the meeting was to analyze the new standards for the approval, regulation, and accreditation of medical schools in the Dominican Republic, which was presented by Dr. Juan Martínez, national consultant in medical education and medical schools, who presented all the important issues on which the standards will be based.

Thus, he spoke about the curricula, which must meet all standards, both nationally, within the Department of Medical Education of the MESCyT and internationally; considering that they must comply with the requirements of international agencies that certify medical schools such as the CAAM-HP. He also highlighted, that will be in the document of the standards, the requirements of the National Committee for Medical Education Medical School abroad of the Ministry of Education of the United States.

The Dominican Republic is approved until 2025, but it is required to fill out the new report by December 2024, within the National Committee for Medical Education of Medical Schools abroad that receives Federal Loans.

The meeting was attended by the deans and directors of the Faculties of Health Sciences and Medical Schools of the different universities such as: Dr. William Duke, of UNPHU; Dr. Marcos Núñez Cuervo, of UNIBE; Dr. María José Fernández, and the director of the School of Medicine, Dr. Luis Ronald Capellán; Dr. Mario Uffre, of UASD; Dr. Fernando Santamaría of UTESA; Dr. Danilo Ricourt and Dr. Feliz Veras, of UCATECI; Dr. Rosa Céspedes of UCE; Dr. Marino Estrella, O&MED; Dr. Clementina Guiliard of UNIREMOS and the director of the School of Medicine of Intec, Dr. Fernando Santamaría. 


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