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UNPHU recognizes as distinguished graduates the doctors, Alfonso Federico Brossa Franco, Federico Humberto Mejía Biaggi and Rosalda Olimpia Damiano Franco

The Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU), through the Directorate of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management and the Society of Graduates of the School of Medicine (SEM-UNPHU), recognized as distinguished graduates the doctors, Alfonso Federico Brossa Franco, Federico Humberto Mejía Biaggi and Rosalda Olimpia Damiano Franco, for their contributions and outstanding work in favor of society.

The event was held in the Lecture of Dr. Nicolás E. Pichardo by Dr. Raúl Martínez Fernández, Neurologist of the Comprehensive Center of Neurosciences AC HM CINAC, Spain; with the theme «New diagnoses and treatment of Parkinson’s disease”.

The certificates were given by the rector Arq. Miguel Fiallo Calderón, accompanied by the Licda. Laura Veloz Espejo, Director of the Department of Institutional Experience and Graduate Management UNPHU.

About Distinguished Graduates 

Dr. Alfonso Brossa is a renowned gastroenterologist and endoscopist. He taught Gastroenterology at the UNPHU School of Medicine. He is a medical panelist at the consulates of the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, the Embassy of Italy, and for medical examinations of important institutions. He has been constantly updated, participating in congresses and symposiums. He is an active member and founder of the International Association of Medical Panelists.

Dr. Federico Mejía Biaggi has been practicing his profession for more than 30 years. He was a professor of Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Internal Medicine at UNPHU, also holding the chair of Pneumology. He chaired the Society of Chest Pneumology and Surgery. He was director of the School of Medicine at UNIBE and until now he is head of the Department of Pneumology at Clinica Abreu.

Dr. Rosalda Damiano is a specialist in Pediatrics and has a postgraduate degree in Child Nutrition at UNPHU. For its excellent professional performance has been recognized nationally and internationally by institutions such as the Dominican Medical College, the Dominican Society of Pediatrics, the Confederation of Pediatrics of Mexico, the Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital of Puerto Rico, among others. She is an active member and consultant of different companies and organizations in her area of expertise. She has been also recognized for the philanthropic social work carried out in the country and in regions of Africa.


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