Categorías: EN

UNPHU School of Chemistry, obtains international reaccreditation of GCREAS

The School of Chemical Engineering of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña was reaccredited by the Regional System of Accreditation of Engineering of the Greater Caribbean (GCREAS), a private, independent, and non-profit institution dedicated to accrediting the quality of higher education in engineering in Caribbean countries.  Accreditation is the result of hard work and dedication at the institutional level to meet high standards of quality in higher education.

During the process, various aspects were evaluated such as the curriculum, facilities, teacher training, research, and links with the chemical industry. This recognition positions us as a leading institution in the education of Chemical Engineering and distinguishes us among the other schools of this specialty in the country. Students will benefit from a comprehensive education in their training and will be able to count on the necessary tools to face the current and future challenges in the field of chemical engineering.

As an institution, we are committed to further advancing our mission of training competent and ethical professionals who contribute to the development of our society. 


GCREAS was originally inspired by the 2004 initiative of the Organization of American States, which seeks to promote for the Americas the sustained growth of investment in areas such as science, technology, and engineering. Through this declaration, representatives of governments and the private sector in Latin America publicly committed themselves to promote economic and social development in the continent, through quality engineering education for technological innovation.


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