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ADOSUME representatives visit UNPHU

The Faculty of Health Sciences and the School of Pharmacy of Universidad Nacional  Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), received the visit of the authorities of the Dominican Association of Suppliers of Medicines and Related Products, Inc. (ADOSUME), headed by its president the Osvaldo Holguín, general manager of Sínthesis; José Zorrilla, past president of ADOSUME; Wendy Chain and Gabriela Núñez. The visitors were received by Dr. William Duke, dean of the Faculty of Health and Sciences. Rayza Almanzar, director of the School of Pharmacy (UNPHU).

During the meeting plans were drawn up in favor of the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Academy, which updated an existing Interinstitutional Agreement.

The ADOSUME delegation expressed their enthusiasm for the topics addressed, such as the reinforcement from the industry of the new UNPHU Pharmacy School Curriculum, which is the first in the country focused on competencies. It was also considered that it is necessary to take advantage of the national scenario with PLANDES 2030, to present a joint proposal in the training of human resources in health in pharmacy, according to the needs of the labor market.

They proposed to hold a workshop to analyze together the industry and academies in strengthening the competencies of the graduate. Likewise, it was called to offer highly prestigious speakers in the conferences, courses, and diplomas that the UNPHU School of Pharmacy needs in the scenarios of continuing education, which are identified to favor, with national and international contacts, inputs and equipment that help to train in skills to present and future professionals in the area, with the academic endorsement of UNPHU. 

An upcoming meeting was planned to move forward with the plans and begin with the activation of the addendum within the interinstitutional agreement, under the signature of the UNPHU rector and the president of ADOSUME.


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